Serious Games for Crisis Preparedness
Offering free, digital games to test decision-making skills during an emerging crisis. Participate today in our curated selection of serious games and preparedness discussions to increase your rapid response and decision-making skills.
The Disaster Response Game
The Disaster Response Game puts scientists in the driver seat to practice how to think and respond quickly to emerging crises like wildfires, hurricanes, and food security.
You’ll learn rapid decision-making skills and grow your network, so that you can respond faster and more efficiently to future disasters. After you finish, you can discuss your experience with our network of thousands of scientists on the International Science Reserve’s Digital Hub.
The Pathogen Outbreak Game
What would you do if you could call the shots during the next pandemic? You are challenged to make critical decisions under pressure with limited information—mirroring real-world challenges. Face an emerging, unknown pathogen—a flu, mutated virus, or something else. Refine your decision-making while collaborating with a global scientific community.
Crisis Mini-Games
Requires login to the Digital Hub
As a scientist, you have the skills needed to make an important difference during a major global crisis. But small actions today can help us prepare for the unknowns ahead. In these five-minute mini-games, you’ll analyze and discuss factors influencing resource allocation in large-scale crises.