Proposal Information

Proposal Submissions are not being accepted at this time.

Join the community to be alerted when the portal is opened.

Prepare Today

Proposals are the mechanism by which scientists articulate their research area and the resources needed to accelerate their research.   

We recommend all researchers who do not currently have an ORCID record sign-up for one today.   

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a free, unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. ORCID is the fastest way to log in to the ISR’s submission platform. In an active crisis, every second counts, and we recommend this critical time-saving preparatory step.

Types of Proposals

Proposals are the mechanism by which scientists articulate their research area, the specific ways in which they will address a crisis, and the resources needed to accelerate their research.  The ISR accepts proposals for crises in the declared state and preparatory state. 

  • Preparatory Crisis State: we accept short concept proposals (500-1,500 words) as part of our readiness exercises. These exercises are simulations of what members of the ISR science community would do in a real crisis. They help scientists prepare in advance of an actual crisis. 
  • Declared Crisis State: we accept proposals that address an active crisis. A review and assessment process determines how resources are allocated to address the declared crisis. 

Proposal Process

Step 1
Join the ISR Community

Complete the Join the Community form. Once completed you will receive information on how to submit a proposal for the upcoming readiness exercises. 

Step 3
Readiness Exercise

As a member of the community, you will be notified when a readiness exercise is set to begin. If you wish to participate, we will ask you to submit a proposal including resources you need to help accelerate your research in the crisis area.

Step 2
Explore the Crisis

Learn more about current ISR crises, including findings from our research. Community members receive exclusive crisis updates.

Step 4
Community Engagement & Learning

As a member of the ISR, stay updated and connected.

Step 1
Submit a Proposal 

We will contact the science community after a crisis is declared to solicit proposals. When submitting a proposal, you are requesting resources to help accelerate your research in the crisis area.

Step 2
Join the ISR Community

If you not are already part of the ISR community, complete the Join the Community form to stay updated and connected.