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Play Your Part: Digital Games Prepare Scientists for Crisis 

June 18, 2024

Learn about what goes into creating games including the use of AI and how play can help scientists better prepare for the next big crisis. 

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Japan’s Earthquake Preparedness Culture: How Science Helps Minimize Disaster

March 26, 2024

What solutions have been successful for earthquake preparedness in Japan, and how can these lessons can be applied to crisis preparedness efforts worldwide?

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Bridging the Data Analytics Divide for Climate Disaster Preparation and Action

October 4, 2023

This discussion at the Predictive Analytics World Climate Conference (PAW), led by the International Science Reserve, brought together climate tech and corporate leaders to discuss how to bridge the data analytics divide.

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Reflecting Risk: Rights-Based Global Decision-Making about Research and Testing of Solar Geoengineering Climate Tech  

September 22, 2023

Leading scientists and climate policy experts at the UN General Assembly’s Science Summit will discuss the current state of solar geoengineering research – and the urgent need for fair decision-making processes on the potential risks and benefits of controversial, emerging climate-altering technologies.  

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Climate Week NYC: “The Road to COP28” with We Don’t Have Time

September 21, 2023

In this opening session for We Don't Have Time's Climate Week NYC broadcast, "The Road to COP28," NYAS and ISR discussed the role they hope science will continue to play in creating a green future.

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The US-UK Scientific Forum on Research Access to Data

September 12-September 13, 2023

Join the ISR for a panel discussion on data access for scientific research, including barriers to open data availability. Presented by the Royal Society and the National Academy of Sciences, participants will learn how scientists can respond to open research requirements.

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Role-Playing Crisis: Serious Games Help Scientists and Policymakers Prepare for Real-Life Disasters

July 18, 2023

The International Science Reserve convened a panel of experts discuss innovative approaches to preparing scientists for crisis through scenario planning and gamification. Learn about the different techniques that scientists, organizations, and decision makers can use to prepare for crises that arise without much warning.

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World Bank’s Measuring Development: Mitigating the Risks and Impacts of Climate Change

May 4, 2023

In this discussion at the World Bank, panelists shared how public and private sectors can better collaborate across disciplines and sectors to prepare for and overcome multiple barriers and inequities to conducting applied research on the climate crisis and disaster.  

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From Data to Action in Response to Food System Shocks

April 25, 2023

The world has enough food to feed everyone, yet the World Food Programme estimates that 345 million people around the world remain acutely food insecure in 2023. To plan for or reduce the impact of catastrophes, a variety of datasets, modeling, and analytical tools will be key. Data scientists and analysts across disciplinary and geographic boundaries play a vital role.

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When Waters Rise: Cross-Border Science for Global Flood Response

November 29, 2022

This Science Unusual webinar will explore the role scientific and technical experts can play in large-scale, international flood prediction, prevention, preparation and response. Hear from panelists in flood reduction infrastructure, community response, and emergency preparedness on how scientists are urgently working across borders, and what they need for more research and policy solutions.

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SDG Damage Control: Trans-Border Scientific Cooperation Through the ISR

September 16, 2022

This special edition of the Science Unusual webinar, features our recent session at the United Nations Science Summit 2022.

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Science Unusual: Gearing Up for the Next Global Crisis

July 12, 2022

This webinar convenes experts from different scientific fields from the public, private and academic sectors in different countries. In a moderated conversation, our panelists discuss examples of how scientists are already preparing for crises.

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Researchers are invited to join our science community — a borderless global network of leading scientists from around the world. Join the community today to stay updated and learn how you can participate.

The International Science Reserve is a network of open scientific communities, bringing together specialized resources from across the globe to prepare for and help mitigate complex and urgent global crises. We focus solely on preparing and mobilizing scientists to augment existing response organizations.